Romans 13 Overview

Romans 13. Authority, Love, and the Christian life Summary Paul gives the general principle that people are to submit to governing authorities. God has established authorities in life, and his authority in the political sphere works out through the governing power. Paul does not mention exceptions, such as if a law is contrary to Scripture…

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Romans 13 Commentary

Paul’s letter to the Romans, Section 5: Day to day Christian life—things to do, Romans 12-16 Romans 13. Authority, godly love, godly behavior, put on armor and Christ Summary Paul gives the general principle that people are to submit to governing authorities. God has established authorities in life, and his authority in the political sphere…

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Romans 13 Key Issues: Sources & Quotations

Quotes from some sources on Romans 13 Tom Constable, Notes on Romans 13. For example, the Christian’s obligation to submit to a government that requires abortions would be different from his or her duty to one that only permits them. I believe a Christian should disobey a government when it requires him or her to…

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Bible Commentary
