1 Timothy Main Lessons

Tod Kennedy, January 2015

1 Timothy chapter titles

  1. Paul’s philosophy of ministry
  2. Pray for leaders; godly women
  3. Overseers, deacons, and conduct in the church
  4. Departure from the faith; train for godliness
  5. Respectfully challenge; widows; elders
  6. Slaves and masters, godliness, money


Main lessons to remember from 1 Timothy 1, Paul’s philosophy of ministry

  1. Spiritual leaders should focus on doing God’s will for the ministry and doing it believing God to work, rather than focusing on strange doctrines, fables, and useless genealogies. Emphasizing these speculations instead of well supported doctrine does not build up people. 1 Timothy 1.4
  2. Spiritual leaders have a goal for their instruction. That goal is to develop love, a good conscience, and genuine faith in those they instruct. 1 Timothy 1.5
  3. Christ Jesus came to save sinners and this salvation is by faith and for eternal life. 1 Timothy 1.15-16
  4. We are to fight the good fight (serving God), and we do that by maintaining our faith and a good conscience. 1 Timothy 1.18-19
  5. Some believers will turn against maintaining their faith and a good conscience. 1 Timothy 1.19-20

Main lessons to remember from 1 Timothy 2, Pray for leaders; godly women

  1. Pray for all people, even for political leaders. It is important so we may live godly lives that genuinely represent God. 1 Timothy 2.1-2
  2. God wants people to be saved and learn God’s word. 1 Timothy 2.4
  3. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and mankind. 1 Timothy 2.5-6
  4. A woman’s good works are more important than jewels and fancy clothes. 1 Timothy 2.9-10
  5. Women learn in church under the teacher’s authority. 1 Timothy 2.11-12
  6. A woman’s role and fulfillment is being a wife and mother who has a healthy spiritual life, rather than as pastor and teacher. Her role gives her the satisfaction and fulfillment that men can have through work and church leadership. 1 Timothy 2.15

Main lessons to remember from 1 Timothy 3, Overseers, deacons, and conduct in the church

  1. There is a standard of character for the person serving as overseer, for the deacon, and for women who serve in the church. These standards allow the church to keep a good reputation, to prevent criticism or scandal, to effectively serve, and to proclaim and protect God’s word. 1 Timothy 3.1-13
  2. The church is the body of Christ and as such is the center of God’s work in the world, and the church is who preserves, protects, and proclaims God’s word. 1 Timothy 3.15
  3. Jesus Christ, the center of the Christian faith, personifies godliness—who and what God is—to all creation. He became visible as a man, justified or declared God’s son, seen by angels proclaimed in the world, believed on, and taken up to heaven. 1 Timothy 3.16

Main lessons to remember from 1 Timothy 4, Departure from the faith; train for godliness

  1. As time goes on, some will defect from the biblical faith. The defectors  will pay attention to teachers and others who are influenced by demons (evil spirits) and to the false doctrine that these people promote. 1 Timothy 4.1-2
  2. Marriage and food are blessings from God. When we eat food we are to thank God for the food. 1 Timothy 4.3-5
  3. The good servant of Jesus Christ will point out correct doctrine and application to those in his ministry. 1 Timothy 4.6
  4. We should reject the fanciful stories and cleverly devised fables that alter, syncretize, and reject biblical teaching. In other words, be wise in learning and application. 1 Timothy 4.7
  5. Godliness, behavior reflecting God and biblical beliefs, is very profitable and we should train for godliness. 1 Timothy 4.8,10
  6. Our God is the only God. He is alive. He has purchased eternal salvation for everyone, but only believers in Jesus Christ possess eternal salvation. 1 Timothy 4.10
  7. Paul gives Timothy ten commands, the application of which will deliver him and his listeners from failure in service and prevent defection from the faith. 1 Timothy 4.16

Main lessons to remember from 1 Timothy 5, Respectfully challenge; widows; elders

  1. Correction—when it is necessary to correct church people, do so respectfully and honorably, and consider their age, responsibility, and gender. 1 Timothy 5.1-2
  2. Widows—determine if they have a family, are alone and need care, their Christian life, whether godly or pleasure seeking, age, Christian service, suitable for remarriage, and if any may have a related woman to help them. The family is the first line of care, followed by the church. 1 Timothy 5.3-16
  3. Elders—they deserve double honor for work at preaching and teaching. If accusations are raised against an elder handle them carefully, with proper evidence, and by other elders. 1 Timothy 5.17-21
  4. Ordination—be cautious about ordaining a person to the ministry. Examine the candidate’s biblical maturity, learning, experience, and character. If you ordain someone without examining them you may share in the responsibility for their sins. 1 Timothy 5.22
  5. Spiritual leaders, such as Timothy was, should keep their lives godly, upright, free from sin. 1 Timothy 5.22
  6. One’s outer Christian life reflects one’s inner life—sins, good works, and bad works. Some can hide sins for a time. Good works will become evident. 1 Timothy 5.23-25

Main lessons to remember from 1 Timothy 6, Slaves and masters, godliness, money

  1. How believers relate to authority will either honor God or dishonor God. 1 Timothy 6.1-2
  2. False doctrine is dangerous to one’s reputation, values, godliness, and prevents contentment. 1 Timothy 6.3-6,20
  3. The need for money is an ever present problem, and believers should have the right attitude toward wealth and the right use of wealth they may have. 1 Timothy 6.10,11,17-19
  4. Christian virtues are important, and we should strive to develop them. 1 Timothy 6.6,8,11,12,14
  5. We are to fight the good fight of faith, which means stay strong and active in the Christian faith. 1 Timothy 6.12-14
  6. Jesus Christ will return at the right time, so stay strong in the faith until then. 1 Timothy 6.14-15
  7. God is sovereign, eternal, and holy; so honor him and submit to his ruling power. 1 Timothy 6.15-16
  8. Christian leaders have responsibilities: personal godliness, witness, keep God’s word, strong in faith, teach God’s word, guard the ministry entrusted to them, and not become distracted by useless talk. 1 Timothy 6.11-14,20